Compassionate, Caring, Effective Legal Counsel

Probation Violation

As soon as you are accused of violating your probation, it is important to contact a Minneapolis criminal defense lawyer. Let an experienced lawyer assist you during this time and help to minimize any penalties you may be facing.

What Does A Probation Violation Mean?

Once you are placed on probation, you are monitored by the court and by a probation officer to ensure that you are meeting the terms and conditions of your probation. Some common probation violations include:

  • Failure to perform hours of community service
  • Failure to show up in court
  • Failure to attend courses assigned to you, such as anger management or rehabilitation treatment
  • Failure to serve jail time
  • Failure to pass a drug or alcohol test
  • Failure to pay a fine
  • Being arrested again

If you fail to comply with one or more of the terms of your probation, you will be required to appear in court to face the consequences. A Minneapolis criminal defense attorney can advise you on the process and represent you at the probation violation hearing.

Probation Violation Attorney In Minneapolis

Probation hearings can be complicated. Do not risk your freedom without first speaking with a Minneapolis criminal defense lawyer. Call Brad Mathis any place, anytime for a free consultation at 612-328-9826.