Recent Case Results
No matter what criminal offense you’ve been charged with, Brad Mathis Law Office will help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Sometimes that means beating a case completely, other times it means getting the charges reduced or getting the expected penalties significantly lessened. Of course, no lawyer can guarantee any particular result for your case, but this list presents a good sampling of the typical results we are able to achieve for our clients.
Location of Offense | Original Charges | Alcohol Level | Prior DWI’s | Final Conviction | Final Sentence |
Anoka County | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.22 | 1 | 3rd Degree DWI | This case involved forfeiture of the client’s vehicle. Brad Mathis was able to avoid further jail time, and got the vehicle back under the Ignition Interlock Program. |
Owatonna County (Rochester) | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.13 | 2 | Careless Driving | Reduced to Careless Driving and client avoided mandatory minimum 90 day jail sentence. After reviewing the squad video for this New Year’s Eve arrest, Brad Mathis convinced the prosecutor that probable cause for the stop was weak, and the prosecutor agreed to the Careless Driving and no further executed jail time. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.25 | 1 | 4th Degree DWI | This case involved a car accident and high alcohol reading. No one witnessed client driving and based on the lack of evidence client avoided the 30 day mandatory minimum sentence and avoided further executed jail time. |
Wabasha County | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.20 | 1 | Reduced Sentence | This charge called for a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 days in jail. Brad Mathis was able to help the client avoid jail and achieve probation. |
Scott County | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.12 | 3 | 3rd Degree DWI | The vehicle involved in this case was a customized Harley Davidson motorcycle that was subject to forfeiture. Brad Mathis successfully argued for the return of the vehicle. Out of state client was allowed to serve 20 days of house arrest in another state. |
Anoka County | 3rd Degree DWI | 0.15 | 1 | Dismissed | This case involved the officer responding to a citizen complaint and arrest at client’s residence after client had arrived home. Brad Mathis successfully argued the State lacked sufficient evidence to prove the client was actually driving while intoxicated and the case was dismissed. |
Steele County | 3rd Degree DWI | 0.10 | 1 | Careless Driving | Brad Mathis successfully argued that the blood sample was contaminated. The case was reduced to Careless Driving and sentenced no jail time. |
Ramsey County (Maplewood) | 3rd Degree DWI and Probation Violation | 0.09 | 1 | 4th Degree DWI | This was client’s second DWI within eight months which typically carries a mandatory minimum 30 days in jail. Brad Mathis represented client on his first DWI (Dakota County) whereby he was able to negotiate a Careless Driving. The Ramsey County case was reduced to a 4th degree and client avoided any further executed jail. |
Dakota County | 4th Degree DWI | 0.09 | 1 | Dismissed | This case involved a blood sample. Brad Mathis demanded a retest of the blood sample, which came back deficient and the case was dismissed. |
Dakota County (Apple Valley) | 4th Degree DWI | 0.12 | None | Careless Driving | DWI reduced to Careless Driving. |
Washington County (Stillwater) | 4th Degree DWI | 0.11 | None | Careless Driving | DWI reduced to Careless Driving. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | 4th Degree DWI | 0.10 | None | Careless Driving | Client resided out of state and avoided having to return to Minnesota for court. Brad Mathis was able to resolve the case by mail and get it reduced to Careless Driving. Client also avoided community service which typically accompanies this type of case. |
Anoka County | 5th Degree Assault | N/A | None | Dismissed | This case involved a client who was driving his motorcycle when several kids threw firecrackers at him. He confronted them and was charged with assault. Case dismissed at Trial. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Assault | N/A | None | Disorderly Conduct | Successfully argued that client was provoked and avoided an assault conviction. |
Hennepin County (Dayton) | Assault on a Peace Officer | N/A | None | Disorderly Conduct | Brad Mathis convinced the Prosecutor that client had not formed the required intent to commit assault, and the charges were reduced. |
Anoka County (Anoka) | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | 0.14 | None | 4th Degree DWI | This case involved a serious rollover accident. After fighting the case for over two years the CVO was reduced to DWI with no further executed jail time. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | .035 | 1 | 3rd Degree DWI | The client was involved in a car accident with a vehicle occupied by four family members, and caused injury. Pregnant at the time of sentencing, client was ordered to 30 days house arrest and avoided definite jail time which typically accompanies a case like this. Client successfully completed treatment and has remained sober. |
Hennepin County | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | 0.20 | 1 | 3rd Degree DWI | This case involved an accident with injury. Brad Mathis was able to get the CVO dismissed and client plead to DWI and received 30 days of house arrest as opposed to a 90 day jail sentence which typically accompanies an accident with injury. The victim, also an attorney, petitioned the court for $12,000 in restitution due to lost wages. Brad Mathis argued that the claim for lost wages was unsubstantiated, and the judge agreed and denied restitution in its entirety. Client successfully completed treatment. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Domestic Assault | N/A | None | Disorderly Conduct | Brad Mathis got the charges reduced and the client, an avid hunter, avoided the firearm restriction which typically accompanies a domestic assault conviction. |
Steele County | Felony, Domestic Assault & Terroristic Threats | N/A | None | Dismissed | The client was falsely accused of two felonies including Terroristic Threats with a gun. The case was dismissed after Brad Mathis hired a Private Investigator to get to the bottom of the facts and found that the accuser was lying. Case dismissed. |
Anoka County (Anoka) | Felony Aggravated Assault | N/A | None | Dismissed | This case involved a bar fight where Client was attacked, punched in the face, and defended himself with force, yet was charged with felony assault. The case was dismissed at Trial as the result of Brad Mathis’ relentless effort to obtain witness interviews exonerating Defendant. Case dismissed. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Felony Burglary | N/A | 1 | Dismissed | Case dismissed after Brad Mathis argued lack of sufficient evidence. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | Felony Damage to Property | N/A | None | Petty Disorderly Conduct | This case was charged as a felony because of the large amount of damage caused. Brad Mathis negotiated a settlement whereby the felony was dismissed and client pled to disorderly conduct as a petty misdemeanor, the same level offense as a speeding ticket. As a result, client was able to keep his job which was at risk with a felony conviction. |
Steele County (Owatonna) | Felony Drug Possession | N/A | None | Stay of Adjudication & Dismissed | Client was arrested for possession of cocaine. Brad Mathis achieved a Stay of Adjudication, no further executed jail time, and case was dismissed upon completion of probation. |
Scott County (Shakopee) | Felony Drug Possession | N/A | None | Stay of Adjudication & Dismissed | Client was a mother of two in possession of prescription medication procured by a fraudulent prescription. Brad Mathis avoided a felony conviction and Client was placed on probation for one year with no executed jail time. |
Ramsey County | Felony Drug Sales | Stay of Adjudication & Dismissed | Client was charged with selling methamphetamine. Brad Mathis demonstrated to the Court that Client had mental health issues, as a result, Client received probation and case was dismissed after successful completion. | ||
Rice County (Faribault) | Felony Drug Sales | N/A | 1 | Stay of Adjudication & Dismissed | Client placed on probation and avoided felony conviction. |
Wright County (Buffalo) | Theft | N/A | None | Continuance for Dismissal & Dismissed | Client was caught stealing from a Macy’s store. Brad Mathis negotiated a Continuance for Dismissal such that after a one year period of probation, the case was dismissed. |
Recent Case Results
No matter what criminal offense you’ve been charge with, Brad Mathis Law Office will help you achieve the best possible outcome for your situation. Sometimes that means beating a case completely, other times it means getting the charges reduced or getting the expected penalties significantly reduced. Of course, no lawyer can guarantee any particular result for your case, but this list presents a good sampling of the typical results we are able to achieve for our clients.
Anoka | 2nd degree DWI | 0.22 | 1 | – | This case involved a vehicle forfeiture. Attorney Mathis was able to avoid further jail, and got the vehicle back under the Ignition Interlock Program. |
Owatonna County (Rochester) | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.13 | Two | Careless Driving | Reduced to Careless Driving and client avoided mandatory minimum 90 day jail sentence. After reviewing the squad video for this New Year’s Eve arrest, Brad Mathis convinced the prosecutor that probable cause for the stop was weak, and the prosecutor agreed to the Careless Driving with no further executed jail time. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | 2nd degree DWI | 0.25 | One | 4th degree DWI | This case involved a single car accident and high alcohol reading. No one witnessed client driving and based on the lack of evidence client avoided the 30 day mandatory minimum sentence and avoided further executed jail time. |
Wabasha | 2nd degree DWI | .20 | 1 | Reduced | This case involved a mandatory minimum 30 days in jail. Attorney Mathis was able to avoid al jail and achieve probation. |
– | 2nd Degree DWI | 0.12 | Three | 3rd Degree DWI | The vehicle involved in this case was a customized Harley Davidson motorcycle, and was subject to forfeiture. Brad Mathis successfully argued for the return of the vehicle. Client was allowed to serve 20 days of house arrest in another state. |
Anoka | 3rd Degree DWI | 0.15 | One | Dismissed | This case involved the officer responding to a citizen complaint and appearing at client’s home after client had arrived home. Brad Mathis successfully argued lack of sufficient evidence that client was actually driving and the case was dismissed. |
Steele County | 3rd Degree DWI | 0.10 | One | Careless Driving | Reduced to Careless Driving, no executed jail time. Brad Mathis successfully argued that the blood sample was contaminated. |
Ramsey County (Maplewood) | 3rd degree DWI and Probation Violation | 0.09 | One | 4th degree DWI | This was client’s second DWI within eight months which typically carries a mandatory minimum 30 days in jail. Brad Mathis represented client on his first DWI (Dakota County) whereby he was able to negotiate a Careless Driving. The Ramsey County case was reduced to a 4th degree and client avoided any further executed jail. |
Dakota | 4th degree DWI | .09 | – | Dismissed | This case involved a blood sample. Attorney Mathis demanded a resample of the blood, which came back deficient; case dismissed. |
Dakota County (Apple Valley) | 4th degree DWI | 0.12 | None | Careless Driving | DWI reduced to Careless Driving. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | 4th degree DWI | 0.10 | None | Careless Driving | Reduced to Careless Driving. Client resided out of state and avoided having to return to Minnesota for court. Brad Mathis was able to resolve the case by mail. Client also avoided community service which typically accompanies this type of case. |
Washington County (Stillwater) | 4th Degree DWI | 0.11 | None | Careless Driving | DWI reduced to Careless Driving. |
Anoka | 5th degree Assault | – | – | – | This case involved a man on his motorcycle; kids throwing firecrackers at him. He confronted them and was charged with assault. Case dismissed at Trial. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Assault | NA | None | Disorderly Conduct | Successfully argued that client was provoked and avoided an assault conviction. |
Hennepin County (Dayton) | Assault on a Peace Officer | NA | None | Disorderly Conduct | Assault on a Peace Officer reduced to Disorderly Conduct after Attorney Mathis convinced the prosecutor that client had not formed the required intent to commit assault. |
Anoka County (Anoka) | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | 0.14 | None | 4th Degree DWI | This case involved a serious rollover accident. After fighting the case for over two years the CVO was reduced to DWI with no further executed jail time. |
Hennepin County | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | 0.20 | One | 3rd Degree DWI | This case involved an accident with injury. CVO dismissed and client plead to DWI and received 30 days of house arrest as opposed to a 90 day jail sentence which typically accompanies an accident with injury. The victim, also an attorney, petitioned the court for $12,000 in restitution due to lost wages. Brad Mathis argued that the claim for lost wages was unsubstantiated, and the judge agreed and denied restitution in its entirety. Client successfully completed treatment. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Criminal Vehicular Operation (CVO) | .035 | One | 3rd degree DWI | This case involved a two-car accident with injury involving a vehicle occupied by four family members. Client who was pregnant at the time of sentencing was ordered to 30 days house arrest and avoided definite jail time which typically accompanies a case like this. Client successfully completed treatment and has remained sober. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Domestic Assault | NA | None | Disorderly Conduct | Reduced to Disorderly Conduct and the client, an avid hunter, avoided the firearm restriction which typically accompanies a domestic assault conviction. |
Steele | Domestic Assault, Terroristic Threats | – | – | Dismissed | This case involved a false accusation of Felony Assault and Felony Terroristic Threat with a gun. This case was dismissed after Attorney Mathis hired a Private Investigator to get to the bottom of the facts and find that the accuser was lying. Case dismissed. |
New | Felony Aggravated Assault | – | – | Dismissed | This case involved a bar fight whereby Client was attacked and punched in the face, and defended himself with force, yet was charged with felony assault. This Case was dismissed at Trial as the result of Attorney Mathis’ relentless effort to exonerate Defendant based on witness interviews. Case dismissed. |
Hennepin County (Minneapolis) | Felony Burglary | NA | One | Dismissed | Burglary dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence. |
Ramsey County (St. Paul) | Felony Damage to Property | NA | None | Petty Disorderly Conduct | Because of the amount of damage caused this case was charged as a felony. Brad Mathis negotiated a settlement whereby the felony was dismissed and client pled to disorderly conduct as a petty misdemeanor, the same level offense as a speeding ticket. Client was able to keep his job. |
Steele | Felony Drug Possession | – | – | – | This case involved felony drug possession of cocaine. Client achieved a Stay of Adjudication, no further executed jail time, and case dismissed upon completion of probation. |
Scott County (Shakopee) | Felony Drug Possession (Prescription medication) | NA | None | Stay of Adjudication | Client was a mother of two in possession of prescription medication procured by a fraudulent prescription. Client was placed on probation for one year and avoided a felony conviction. No executed jail time. |
Ramsey | Felony Drug Sales | – | – | Stay of Adjudication | This case involved sales of methamphetamine. Attorney Mathis showed the Court that Client had mental health issues, and as the result Client received probation and case was dismissed. |
Rice County (Faribault) | Felony Drug Sales | NA | One | Stay of Adjudication | Client placed on probation and avoided felony conviction. |
Wright County (Buffalo) | Theft | NA | None | Continuance for Dismissal | Client had stolen from a Macy’s store. Brad Mathis negotiated a Continuance for Dismissal meaning after a one year period of probation, the case was dismissed. |